About Us
Mitchell House is an Education Authority co-educational special school for children with physical disabilities and associated learning/sensory needs.
Located in East Belfast, the school offers places for over 100 children between ages 3 to 19 year from Belfast, the surrounding areas. Children are admitted to the school following consultation with parents and after medical and educational assessments have taken place by the relevant Education and Health boards. A coordinated educational and therapeutic approach is provided by a multi disciplinary team of teachers, support staff and therapy personnel.
The school includes a Nursery Pre-school, Primary and Post Primary Department. The school follows the Curriculum for Northern Ireland. Pupil progress is monitored and recorded through continuous assessment in all learning areas with appropriate external accreditation at key stages 2, 3 and 4. Pupils may attend the school for a further three years following the statutory leaving age. Annual reviews are held for every pupil to confirm the appropriateness of the placement or to recommend another more suitable placement.
In addition the school provides outreach support for physically disabled children and their teachers in mainstream schools through the Mitchell House Support service (MHSS). The scheme is supported through DENI and EA Belfast Region and is available to schools across Northern Ireland.
The staff consists of Principal, Vice-Principal, teachers, classroom and general assistants. In addition the school has Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy departments and a Nurse.
Visits to the school can be arranged by contacting the Principal.

Slideshow by the senior pupils...

In 1886 Mr. Mitchell acquired for £4000 the house and small estate of “Marmont” at Strandtown on the outskirts of Belfast. The house contained four reception rooms, a billiards room, seven bedrooms and three servants bedrooms.
In 1955 “Marmont” was offered to the Northern Ireland Council for Orthopaedic Development. Suggested use was as a school for some thirty disabled young people.
On the 20th November 1961, after delays, Mitchell House School was opened with eight resident children.
By 1971 Mitchell House was one of nine special schools operating in Belfast, and in 1973 was transferred from NICOD to the Belfast Education Authority. From then, the school has gone from strength to strength. 1974 seen the opening of the senior classes with children boarding in 1978. 1980 saw the acquisition of the Boathouse in Millisle, which was officially opened on the 23rdJanuary 1982.
Thanks to fundraising by Friends of Mitchell House, an indoor soft play room was provided in 1991, and 2 years later the same group raised money for an outdoor play area complete with safe surface to avoid injury.
During the past few years we have had additional classrooms provided, June 1992 saw the opening of the Science Room ( now replaced with a new science block in April 2013) and one year later the Information Technology Room. A Technology and Design room was opened in June 1995.
In September 1997 building started on a purpose built brick nursery. This was officially opened in June 1998.
We also now have a new Home Economics block including an I.C.T. room. Built in 2011.